Work Health and Safety

Basic Policies

The JNM CO., Ltd offers a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment for its employees. The Group positions physical and mental health management as the foundation of work-life management, and encourages employees to work efficiently to create sufficient time for their private lives. The aim is to promote a work style that allows employees to maintain and enhance their health while being highly productive.


“To achieve prosperity and realize dreams through sound business activities” is a management principle upheld by JNM CO., Ltd. The Company believes that its corporate mission is to deliver financial and emotional enrichment to people around the world including its employees, shareholders, business partners and local community members, and realize their dreams. Maintaining and enhancing employee health is one of the most critical factors that underpin this pursuit. JNM CO., Ltd will continue with its diverse health management initiatives.


In recognition of these initiatives, JNM CO., Ltd has been certified, for five consecutive years from 2017 to 2021, as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management―White 500 by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) for its superior management practices that focus on promoting employee health.


Measures against global health problems

Currently, many countries around the world are struggling with serious health issues, including HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis and malaria. The JNM CO., Ltd is determined to take active measures against these global health problems.


In order to ensure that officers and employees of our Group have accurate information about and protect themselves from these infectious diseases, the Company provides health checkups in advance for officers and employees who are assigned overseas and, when necessary, encourages them to be vaccinated against infectious diseases. We also provide a variety of training before their assignments.


Moreover, we started organizing e-learning and seminars on safety measures in FY2017 in response to requests by employees about to go on their first overseas business trip as well as those looking for the latest information on infectious diseases. These programs aim to enhance awareness of crisis management and disseminate accurate and up-to-date information. We make these programs available to officers and employees not only of JNM CO., Ltd but also of the entire Group within and outside United States.


Through these activities, we support employees’ health and safety while they are overseas.


Employee engagement

JNM CO., Ltd holds a monthly health and safety committee meeting, which is attended by labor union officials on behalf of employees, to discuss health promotion for employees and a better work environment. A roundtable conference on work styles is also held twice a year by management and the union, where participants exchange opinions with a view to improving work styles qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of working hours for union members.